Chambers Arts Library is a new series designed to provide students and general readers with authoritative, affordable and beautifully illustrated books on a range of topics. Written by experts and featuring extensive bibliographies, this collection is an essential resource for anyone with an interest in the arts. This concise overview of the art of the Renaissance will provide a valuable resource for students and teachers, as well as giving the general reader insight into one of the richest periods of Western art and culture. A wide range of material from Italy and Northern Europe is presented, and the book is extensively illustrated with colour plates of major works. Panels focus on the life and work of key Renaissance artists as well as highlighting significant milestones of the period, such as the development of the theory of perspective and the building of St Peter's Basilica. 144 colours plates, including some of the most significant Renaissance works. Panels highlight information about artists such as Botticelli, Raphael, da Vinci, Michelangelo, Titian and Dürer. Chronology puts works in political and social context.
90 мaлки разказа за прочути художници, композитори и певци на Драган Тенев всъщност е сбор от неговите три прeдишни книги "Малки разкази за велики худ..